How do I verify my identity?

Once a case has been submitted, we send an email to each applicant on the case with the subject "Verify your identity with Landbay". All applicants must verify their identity before the case can be offered.

  1. Click the "Click here to verify your identity" link in the "Verify your identity with Landbay" email
  2. You'll need a copy of your identity document to hand (ideally your passport, but you can use your driving licence) and smartphone with a camera.
  3. Follow the steps on screen
    1. Take a picture of your identity document
    2. Review the details on screen
    3. Take a selfie
    4. You're all done!
  4. If we need any further documentation, an underwriter will reach out to the broker.


  • If an applicant has recently verified their identity with Landbay, we'll reuse that verification - they won't need to do this process twice